Why Positive Training is the Answer for your Dog
Christie Fernandez- Professional Dog Trainer
Positive training is a philosophy where dogs and other animals
are only taught using humane, force free techniques that encourage dogs to
learn, problem solve and think. There is no fear, intimidation, bullying
or domination as there is in old school punitive training methods, and as the
study proves, …Read More
How to Help Your Dog Avoid Dry, Itchy Skin in the Winter
Winter weather can dry out your dog’s skin, leaving them an itchy mess. Here’s how to provide relief.
Scratch, scratch, scratch. And so winter begins with its dry, windy, cold air outside, and the dry, hot, forced air inside, without any moisture in sight. What’s a kitty or puppy to do …Read More
Why We advocate Positive Reinforcement
If you treat fire with fire, you will get burned!
Behavior is closely linked to and influenced by emotions, so punishing a dog for unwanted behavior while not understanding why the behavior is happening or its emotional effect on the dog only serves to make things worse. Punishments such as leash …Read More