Welcome To Mind Your Manners!
This 6 -week Loose Leash Walking dog training class is for dogs who constantly pull/ lunge & are highly excitable whenever they see a distraction such as other dogs, people, bikers or joggers. We show you the techniques that you can use to support your dog and help him remain calm while walking despite all the exciting things that they may encounter every day!
Class Schedule: To be Announced
Location: Various/ North Raleigh
Cost: $235 for the entire 6-week curriculum
Class size is strictly limited.

Does your dog drag you down the street? Our Mind Your Manners Class will improve your dog’s leash manners and make it a joy to walk your dog!
Having a dog who pulls, zig zags or trips you while walking can cause frustration, exhaustion, or even potentially injury.
In this class, you will learn how to use management tools when walking your pooch, skills for getting and keeping your dog’s attention, as well as reinforcing polite walking etiquette. Our Mind Your Manners Class will help you teach your dog to walk on the leash without tension or pulling. You will understand how to better communicate with your dog and gain new skills that will help navigate a busy environment with ease and confidence.
This class offers proofing, self-control with duration and distance training around triggers. You’ll learn to be a more confident handler who guides your dog to make polite choices on the sidewalk, in the park, and at home. This class addresses impulse control, leash walking, mat work recall, and more.
Your dog will learn to choose you over the big wide world outside and look to you for guidance when distracted while walking. You will learn to walk courses, change pace make turns with your dog by side. We will show you how to teach your dog to walk on a looser leash ahead of you without pulling or becoming distracted.
If you consider walking your dog to be a chore- One that involves tightly tied tennis shoes and a trip to your Chiropractor? Then it’s time to join our Mind Your Mind Loose Leash Walking Class. Walking your dog should be enjoyable and a fun bonding experience for you and your dog. Teaching a dog to loose leash is a foundation skill for every dog. Walking with another being does not come naturally for them. They normally move around independently. This seems like an obvious point, but it is one that most people forget. Having a tight leash actually cause anxiety, frustration and leash aggression in many dogs due to a feeling of confinement.

Our Mind Your Manners Class will provide the structure you need to successfully teach your dog to walk on a loose leash with you, so the leash becomes the cue to stay close. Our class is designed for dogs 6 months of age who are comfortable around other dogs and strangers and best for dogs who pull and choke themselves on walks or pull their owners down the street. In this class we will show you how to use positive reinforcement to keep Fido Close.
Mind Your Manners Curriculum will teach your dog to stop pulling you during walks. He will learn to walk happily by your side as well as learning to walk on a longer leash in front of you allowing your dog to sniff and explore see the sights.
Course Goals: Situational Awareness Students will understand the importance of and learn to always be aware of one’s surroundings and be ready to respond proactively as needed to keep dogs and humans safe and comfortable.
Work at Dog’s Level: Students will understand the importance of and be able to set reasonable expectations for and assess their dog’s behavior and progress based on one’s own skills, the dog’s experience and the surrounding situation.
Reinforcement & Motivation: Students will understand positive reinforcement and be able to use this knowledge to affect positive training outcomes.
Handling & Focus: Students understand the importance of and be able to keep their dogs from being reinforced for undesired behaviors.
Problem Solving: Students will be able to apply class learning to problem solve positive approaches to real life situations.
The skills taught in this class are more than just walking properly on leash. Despite the dog’s challenges whether it be fear motivated, lack of impulse control, over excitement or long-time practice of improper behavior, at the end of this course you and your dog will enjoy your walks, allowing more time on a walk and even an opportunity for you to do more with your dog.
Loose Leash Fundamentals
- “Leave it” to teach your dog to ignore distractions such as other dogs, bikes, squirrels, etc. while walking.
- “Impulse Control” to teach your dog good canine communications and greetings.
- “Back away” to teach your dog it is ok to calmly turn the other way.
Class Schedule: To be Announced
Location- Various/ North Raleigh
Cost: $230 for the entire 6-week curriculum
Class size is strictly limited.